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A choice quote from Loudoun’s own David Waldman.
The convenient fiction of the “secret hold” is that one’s fellow Senators agree not to hold an objecting Senator’s obstruction against him personally, so long as he contends that he’s objecting on someone else’s behalf. But why would anyone allow this fiction to continue? An objection is an objection, and it extinguishes an unanimous consent request just as surely as if the Senator allegedly objecting in secret had done it himself. So why permit obstructionists to hide behind a colleague’s cloak? – There’s No Such Thing As The Secret Hold
Weekend links follow.
- Just When You Thought The Virginia GOP Couldn’t Get Any Crazier – Dick Black eyes a comeback.
- Quality of Child Care Linked to Academic Achievement: Behaviors Persist Into Adolescence – As a parent looking into pre-school for our daughter, this one caught my eye. Of course, I believe HeadStart or an equivalent should be available to everyone.
- There’s No Such Thing As The Secret Hold – David Waldman once again advocates common sense in the face of Senate tradition.
- Message To Democrats – If you’re someone who gets frustrated with Democrats who vote against things like health care reform, don’t give up, support primary opponents for those Democrats!