Senate Procedure Explained Thursday

David Waldman (aka Kagro X) is a remarkably gifted analyst of procedure. He has been writing on the intricacies of Senate rules for years, and is working on cloture reform today.

David will be the LCDC’s guest speaker this Thursday.

This month’s guest speaker, Mr. David Waldman, will share with us the lessons he’s learned and put into practice as a political activist and esteemed blogger. Mr. Waldman will be talking about how a deeper understanding of Congressional procedure promotes more effective activism and advocacy and discuss the ways we can more effectively interact with our US Congressman in the 10th CD.

Date: Thursday, July 1st

Place: Board Room of the Loudoun County Government Center, 1 Harrison Street, S.E. in Leesburg.


Social: 6:30pm

Meeting: 7:00pm – 9:00pm

Post-meeting Social at VINTAGE 50: 9:15pm

Incidentally, the Leesburg District will be providing the food this week and we promise it will be both plentiful, and good.

So come out this Thursday and learn a thing or two about the procedures by which Republicans screw up the Senate!

1 thought on “Senate Procedure Explained Thursday

  1. Dave Nemetz

    As a follower of his on Twitter, I am very curious to see if he will be as funny and sarcastic with us as he is on-line. And his explaining of parliamentary procedure (in layman’s terms) as it pertains to the House and Senate is nothing short of brilliant.

    Looking forward to it!

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