A Mosque at Teh Pentagon?!1!1!

I saw this referenced last night in numerous “Tweets”, and it slipped my mind until Lowell posted this today on Blue Virginia:

From Salon.com:

Yes, Muslims have infiltrated the Pentagon for their nefarious, prayerful purposes — daring to practice their religion inside the building where 184 people died on Sept. 11, 2001. They haven’t even had the sensitivity to move two blocks, let alone a mile, away from that sacred site.

The “desecration” began shockingly soon after the attacks. Cox reported in October 2001:

“Army Chaplain Abdul-Rasheed Muhammad, the first Muslim chaplain to serve in the military, read a verse from the Koran at the memorial service at the Pentagon on Thursday, exactly one month after the attack. Muhammad, who became a chaplain eight years ago and works at Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington, ministered to rescuers in front of the smoldering Pentagon after the attack.”

Any guesses as to why no one has ever heard about Muslims praying at the Pentagon — let alone cared? It’s almost as if the entire “ground zero mosque” controversy was whipped up out of nothing by a right-wing tabloid and politicians in search of a wedge issue …

Naw, the righties wouldn’t do that, would they?This mosque has been inside The Pentagon since before the September 11th attacks, and not a peep from the wingnuts, yet a mosque being built near Ground Zero has them frothing at the mouth. Nah, not political at all.

And what better place for political theater than near the lights of Broadway.

What a bunch of two-faced hypocrites.  

2 thoughts on “A Mosque at Teh Pentagon?!1!1!

  1. Epluribusunum

    Although they certainly are that; “religious liberty for ME, not for thee,” which they then ludicrously try to justify by explaining that, see, Islam is really just a “cult,” not an actual religion.

    They (and I’m thinking here mainly of Jay Sekulow’s organization, the American Center for Law and Justice, which seems to be the main fabricator of this “controversy”) are 2-bit hucksters, carnival charlatans: IT’S URGENT, sign our petition, give us your contact information, we’ll send you an annotated free constitution, and by the way our work depends on your support SEND MONEY.

    Political theater, yes indeedy.

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