Another set of links in the great chain of being. Of course, the great chain of being has been discarded as a grossly inaccurate oversimplification.

- The Hunt for American Decency in Arizona Quicksand – Being mean isn’t immigration policy.
- Sarah Palin Said Democrats are Planning the Largest Tax Increase in History – We’re not. Thanks PolitiFact. With a tip-o-the-hat to Carolyn.
- LaBarbera Award: Family Research Council – Coverage of the most wacky mental gymnastics ever after the Proposition 8 decision was handed down. With a tip-o-the-hat to Jonathan.
- Yes, Virginia, There Is a Wage Gap. Seriously? People QUESTION this?
- Girl Quits Her Job On Dry Erase Board – Simply brilliant photo essay commentary on modern office life. Of course, it appears to be a hoax. Dang.
- Civilization V Hands-On Preview – Did you know that Maryland has declared September 21st “Civilization V Day?”