The two candidates for Virginia’s 10th Congressional District, among whom we’ll be choosing in the election booths next Tuesday, November 2nd, will be having their debate tonight.
The first and only debate of the congressional campaign in Virginia’s 10th District will occur tonight.
The debate, sponsored by the League of Women Voters, begins this evening at 7:00 PM at Dominion High School. The address of the school is 21326 Augusta Drive, Sterling, VA 20164. The event is open to bloggers and members of the press, who are requested to arrive early and check in at the media table.
If you would like to cover the debate but are unable to attend in person, a recording of the entire debate will be available on our website an hour after its conclusion. Check in at at 10:00 PM for a full replay.
Jeff Barnett will be available after the debate to take questions from the press.
Click through for a map of the debate location. Come out tonight!Here is the location of Dominion High School on a map: