I’m done.
It’s taking up too much of my energy. I’m done being angry at Republicans/Conservatives/Tea-baggers.
I read Lowell’s story yesterday morning on Blue Virginia about the woman in Maryland who was verbally abused on the highway by an angry Obama-hater. I thought to myself how I would handle such a situation. I have a short temper, and I’m prone to argument, but I decided that, for the sake of my family, I’m taking a new tack.
I’m going to laugh.I’m going to laugh at juvenile imbeciles who go on local newspaper comment boards, and, in a manner not germane to the issues being discussed, go on a taunting spree that is on a 12 year-old’s level, and “nanny-nanny-boo-boo” Democrats (or the “boys up the river”), just to make their point.
I’m going to laugh at the good ol’ boy I occasionally see driving his pick-up truck on the Dulles Toll Road with all the anti-Obama, anti-Democratic, pro-Palin bumper stickers.
I’m going to laugh at the people who think they are informed because they watch Fox News 24/7, and take the word of people like Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity as gospel.
I’m going to laugh at people who think the President is a Muslim (with all the evidence against it) or wasn’t born in this country (with all the evidence supporting it). And at the people who think that Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are to blame for companies making money hand over fist but not hiring or giving their workers raises. And at people who want to repeal the health care reform bill because they think that allowing people to get care for pre-existing conditions, or for allowing people to join pools to purchase health care represents a “government takeover of health care”.
I’m going to laugh at the low-information nut-cases who wish to deny Americans their First Amendment rights granted by the Constitution simply because they aren’t Christians. And who are against building a “Ground Zero Mosque”, even though it’s not at Ground Zero and it’s not a mosque.
I have to laugh, because as hard as we try, it’s difficult to get through to the 60% of American voters who refuse to educate themselves fully on the issues and use logic and reason when doing so. Really, though, it’s more like 40%, because you have the 20% of rock-heads who are solidly in the right-wing tin foil hat brigade.
Am I calling people names? You betcha. Am I stooping to their level? Yup. But you know what?
I really don’t care.
Indications are showing that it’s possibly going to be bad news for Democrats in November, depending on which polls you read and trust. Them’s the breaks, I guess. I’m still going to work hard to get Jeff Barnett elected as our new congressman. I’m going to work hard in 2007 to get Senator Mark Herring re-elected and the ineffective Tag Greason defeated. I’m going to work hard to have a Democrat win the Supervisors seat in Broad Run next year, too.
But I’m not going to let the loud mouths bother me anymore. They’re not worth my time.