Yearly Archives: 2010

Can’t see the forest for the trees

I was away from the DC area for one week in Colorado and it was a  strange feeling since I did not have access to a newspaper and only watched sports and movies on tv.  However, I could gauge the mood of the people by reading bumper stickers. “Guns ,God  and Life” was the one that attracted my attention.  Now I am back in the DC area and the “birthers” are still at it, and no Mosque in my backyard is in the news, money is needed by every politician, our President is too involved in something or not involved enough; depending on the day of the week, freedom of religion and speech are both freedoms but it seems that freedom of speech is the only one we really believe in and some are making the argument that the tax cuts for the rich should stay in place. I am also disapointed that some Dems are acting like “politicians ” again and forgetting that they are in DC to SERVE the public, not take from the public.  

Thom Hartmann says it all in his blog

Thom’s blog

President Obama Caves In…

At an annual dinner in the White House State Dining Room celebrating the holy month of Ramadan, President Obama said, “As a citizen, and as president, I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as everyone else in this country,” weighing in for the first time on a the Cordoba House controversy in New York City. He added, “That includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in lower Manhattan, in accordance with local laws and ordinances,” he said. “This is America, and our commitment to religious freedom must be unshakable.” Mr. Gingrich said that the proposed Cordoba community center would be a symbol of Muslim “triumphalism” and that building it near the site of the Sept. 11 attacks “would be like putting a Nazi sign next to the Holocaust museum.” CNN news performer Erick Erickson later in twitter compared it to America supporting “human sacrifice” by the Church of Satan. If Republicans don’t like separation of Church and State then why don’t they simply propose that we throw out the Bill of Rights that our founders fought and died for. On 9/11 there were Muslims, Jews, Christians and atheists killed as well as other religions. It wasn’t anymore an attack by Islam, then Timothy McVeigh blowing up the Oklahoma federal Building was an attack by Christianity. It wasn’t war, It was a crime, and it’s funders and collaborators should have been hunted down and thrown in jail by international police forces. Then we’d have closure instead of endless war. Sadly, Obama made an “about face” comment this weekend, after essentially caving in to the right wing attacks. Now with Obama’s clarification, N.Y. Congressman Peter King has accused Obama of “trying to have it both ways” on the Cordoba House, and tragically Peter King is right. The big picture here is that President Obama has an opportunity to help heal this nation by sticking to his words of truth Friday night and leading this nation and world towards peace and embrace the Cordoba House. It was an opportunity to revisit the time after 9/11 when George Bush had an opportunity unite this country and instead he declared war<./DIV>


Discussing the plight of women kept behind bars without parole for murdering abusive partners, Thom Hartmann says people have been treated as disposable in the US for centuries. Watch him on RT’s “California parole system often dictated by political aspirations” show on 10 August, 2010.

The Daily Stack

Quote: “Dignify and glorify common labor. It is at the bottom of life that we must begin, not at the top.” — Booker T. Washington.

 (I cleaned up the content a bit, removing the footer items from Thom’s blog -P13)

Walking The Walk

Jeff BarnettIn a great step (literally) forward for reaching out across the 10th District, our Democratic nominee, Jeff Barnett, is going to walk from one end to the other.

Hard work. Accountability. Accessibility. Leadership. Those are the watch words of our campaign for the 10th District. While Frank Wolf is dodging the tough issues and  voting against growing jobs and reducing the deficit, I’m going to pound the pavement, talking about how we can promote economic recovery and grow the next generation of new jobs.

In early September, I am going to walk from one end of the 10th District to the other. We’ll start in Gore on the 3rd, walking east until we reach McLean on the 8th. 6 Days. 13 Towns. 80 miles. I’ll be listening to voters, visiting small businesses, and sharing our vision for Virginia every step along the way.

We’re going to win in November by going to voters with good ideas, hard work, and an honest handshake. – Jeff Barnett

It is one thing to parachute in and out for a photo op, the way that Frank Wolf does, but something completely different to spend the time actually walking 80 miles across Virginia, talking to neighbors and businesses about the real challenges facing our District.

Follow below for a map of Jeff’s route.Here’s a map of the route Jeff’s walking.

View Larger Map

I know that the campaign is hard at work scheduling events along the way to maximize the number of people that Jeff will get to talk to. Here in Loudoun, I believe there will be things scheduled for Purcellville and Leesburg, at a minimum. Combined with the Town Halls he’s already scheduled, Jeff will be reaching out to far more voters than his opponent.

The answer to our challenges lies with us, and Jeff Barnett will make the people’s answers, his answers. He will find them walking across our District, and bring them with him when he walks through the doors of Congress next January.

Thanks, Climate Change Deniers

From The Washington Independent:

It turns out that an economy-wide cap on carbon emissions really is necessary to spur investment in what President Obama likes to call the “clean energy economy.” At least for Deutsche Bank.

Politico pointed today to an Aug. 11 Reuters story that says Deutsche Bank will funnel the $6 billion to $7 billion in investment money it puts aside for climate change not to the United States, but to Western Europe and, wait for it, China.

We’ve just had the second-warmest July on record, and we’re on pace to have the warmest year ever, temperature-wise. The warming of the earth and the resultant warming of the oceans is most likely a cause for the severe storms we have experienced over the past few years.

And the climate change-phobics who refuse to take action on clean energy and carbon emissions legislation are now costing us billions in planned investment funds that will be moving elsewhere in the world.

Yet, they’ll still blame the president for the lack of movement with regard to jobs.

Our Lying Eyes

One thing that struck me about the saga of the serial stabber was the contrast between the sketch of the suspect, and the actual suspect that was captured.

Stabbings Sketch Stabbings Suspect

I, for one, would not have identified the man on the right with the sketch on the left. Clearly, the eyewitness information provided was insufficient to catch this creep, and hard, focused police work proved decisive.

And yet, a huge number of people are convicted of crimes on the basis of eyewitness testimony alone. Follow below for a discussion of the dangers and implications of relying on eyewitness testimony.

The DNA revolution that began in the late 1980s has dramatically demonstrated how utterly unreliable eyewitness identifications are. About 200 people convicted of violent crimes have been exonerated by DNA evidence in the past two decades. About 80 percent have been the victims of eyewitness misidentification. Some of them served even more time in prison than Tillman.

Even more disturbing are the results of the FBI’s DNA analysis of biological specimens in 10,000 cases from 1989 to 1996.

These were all cases in which eyewitnesses had identified a suspect who had been arrested for the crime (usually sexual assault) and biological material from the perpetrator was available for comparison with the suspect’s. In 20 percent of the cases, no conclusive results could be obtained. In the remaining 8,000 cases, however, the suspect was cleared in 2,000, or 25 percent. Assuming that without DNA evidence half of these defendants would have been convicted, then as many as 12 percent of those convicted in disputed eyewitness cases may be innocent.

At least 80,000 prosecutions in this country every year rely largely on eyewitness testimony. If only half of those result in convictions, we may still be sending to prison nearly 5,000 innocents annually, based on false eyewitness testimony alone. – Yale Law School

Eyewitness testimony is notoriously unreliable, as has been documented by a wide range of scientific studies. This is why the DNA revolution has been so critical to our criminal justice system. It is also why it is critically important that we maintain funding for cops and detectives even as we look for ways to save in our local government budgets. We want our cases against criminals to be as solid as possible, and not rely on eyewitness testimony alone.

Here in Virginia, felony convictions have enormous consequences as the convicts typically have their right to vote stripped for life, in addition to they stigma and job opportunity penalties that accrue from such a conviction. After conviction, the US justice system often hands out punishments that far outweigh the crimes. This is all the more reason that when it comes to criminal convictions, we need to get it done right, rather than get it done fast.

Links We’re Reading – August 16-20 2010

Did you know that the blink tag is no longer allowed on many platforms? And here I wanted to make a play on words with it. Oh well, this will have to do:

Let’s give Frank Wolf every chance to lose. He deserves it.

Sen. Herring Ears and Cheers

Ears And Cheers 2010On Saturday, we went canvassing for Jeff Barnett and headed over to Sen. Herring’s annual Ears and Cheers event for volunteers afterwards. I must say, grilled corn fresh from the farmers’ market is pretty wonderful when cooked by our state Senator. It was the great cap to a day of walking our neighborhoods and talking with voters about Jeff and the election this year. I was pleased to talk to a neighbor on the street who was not even on our walk list about the campaign and Jeff’s positions. She was very interested to hear about Jeff’s plans for the mortgage mess. And while knocking doors we heard many enthusiastic voters tell us they would definitely come out and vote for Jeff in November.

At Ears and Cheers, we enjoyed the company of our neighbors on a pleasant Saturday afternoon. Sen. Herring and his wife were wonderful hosts and provided a lovely location for Democrats and independents to gather and discuss issues that were important to us. Sen. Herring has made a career out of doing what’s right for his district in such a way that it benefits all of Virginia. This focused, open and results-oriented approach to government has served Loudoun well.  The next year will be an eventful one for Sen. Herring, as the Senatorial District lines will be redrawn from new census data, and he is likely to run for re-election shortly thereafter. That is among the reasons that it is entirely appropriate to join the Senator’s mailing list today, in anticipation of the 2011 elections:

Earlier this year, Senator Herring launched a brand new website.  If you haven’t already, head over to You can sign up to receive the Senator’s email updates as well as connect with him on Facebook. The “Senate Notebook” feature allows Senator Herring to communicate directly with constituents about his thoughts on the issues facing our area and the good work he is doing on our as our Senator.

The new site is an excellent improvement over many of the sites offered by other state representatives, and worth checking out.  

Stat of the Day

From Daily Kos, via Ezra Klein


The plan on the right adds $36 billion to the deficit in 2011. The party of fiscal responsibiity? My a**.Ronald Reagan’s budget director, David Stockman, agrees:

If there were such a thing as Chapter 11 for politicians, the Republican push to extend the unaffordable Bush tax cuts would amount to a bankruptcy filing.

Balance the budget, reduce the deficit, eliminate the national debt, but hey, give big tax breaks to our rich buddies (i.e., “our base”)!! Ain’t gonna work, guys.

Stabbings Suspect Caught

Stabbings SuspectAs an update to the ongoing saga of the racially-motivated stabber, a suspect is in custody thanks to nationwide cooperation among police departments. The suspect is a former Leesburg resident who had been in the custody of the Arlington County police just hours before attacking a man in Leesburg. The suspect literally went from jail to stabbing someone in my Town in a matter of hours.

Abuelazam was booked on the outstanding warrant. However, a magistrate released him around 3 a.m. with order to appear in court Monday, Aug. 16. He returned to Leesburg and at 6:15 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 5 allegedly stabbed the elderly man as he sat on the stoop outside the Leesburg Commons apartment building. – Leesburg Today

The Leesburg Police did their job, and did it well, as our local cops were the ones to link the suspect to Michigan and begin cooperation with the Flint police. It is unfortunate that news did not move more quickly to Arlington, as one of our neighbors might have been saved from being stabbed if it had.The suspect has a criminal history, here in Loudoun and elsewhere.

Abuelazam has a history with Loudoun law enforcement. Between 2001 and 2008, he was brought in for five traffic offenses in Loudoun, including failure to stop at a stop sign; operating an uninspected vehicle; expired registration; failure to obey a highway sign; and improper passing on the right. In 2008, Abuelazam pleaded guilty to making false reports, a misdemeanor charge pleaded down from a more serious felony charge of making a false statement of one’s criminal history when attempting to purchase a firearm.

According to Commonwealth’s Attorney James Plowman, Abuelazam had been convicted of a non-violent felony in California in 1995, and failed to report that conviction when attempting to purchase a firearm in 2007. The case was referred to the Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office from the Virginia State Police. Court records indicate Abuelazam spent 30 days in jail in that case. – Leesburg Today

This suspect is the posterchild for national background checks when you try to buy guns. Could you imagine what this spree of violence would have looked like had he had a gun? The next time a politician in Virginia decries background checks, or grandstands on the gun show loophole, we will all do well to remember Virginia Tech and the senseless attacks of this past week.

The thanks of the whole community go out to the Leesburg Police for their swift and effective work on this crime, and our hearts go out to the victims and their families.

(Crossposted from Leesburg Tomorrow.)