Are you being persecuted?

‘Tis the time of year when well-fed privileged people of a certain majority religious persuasion traditionally appear before our local government bodies to complain of “persecution” by “storm troopers,” or deface property, or snarl at innocent strangers who are merely trying to wish them well.

Rachel Held Evans, who is awesome, has provided a helpful chart for determining whether or not you are in fact a victim of religious persecution. Please consult it before inadvertently being offensive to those who actually know what that means.

Coming next: Is that a terrorist?


4 thoughts on “Are you being persecuted?

  1. Epluribusunum Post author

    The supposed “distinction” between freedom of religion and freedom of worship is just as much a fabrication as the nonexistent “war on Christmas.” It was cooked up by the Colson Center and another propaganda mill called Faith and Freedom Institute, and then predictably repeated by World Nut Daily, et al.

    Historically, the two terms have been used interchangeably in the United States. In fact, other presidents have used the term “freedom of worship,” some quite eloquently.

    Remember President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s famous 1941 “Four Freedoms” speech? The second was “freedom of every person to worship God in his own way – everywhere in the world.”

    President Ronald W. Reagan, a hero to the Religious Right, used the term too. Speaking at the Republican National Convention in 1988, Reagan waxed eloquent about the things that make America special, singling out “freedom of worship, freedom of hope and opportunity, and the pursuit of happiness.”

    The terms have been used interchangeably because constitutionally they mean the same thing. Freedom of religion doesn’t extend beyond the freedom to worship into areas that infringe upon the constitutional rights of others, such as refusing access to public accommodations. The Colson Center nonsense is a red herring. A church or religious organization is not a public accommodation, and a business offering products or services to the public is not a religious organization.

  2. Pariahdog

    This is persecution Ethiopia Utopia: A Village Finds Wealth Without Religion. Can You Guess How Its Devout Neighbors Reacted?

    This Colson Center nonsense is not.

    “The distinction between freedom of worship and freedom of religion is critical. Can you imagine a day where the government says to a church or a religious organization: ‘Worship any way you want. But you’d better hire practicing homosexuals. You’d better recognize gay marriage. And don’t you dare preach that homosexual behavior is a sin.’ Funny, I can.”

  3. Pariahdog

    What if somebody tries to buy a cake from your bakery and you think they’re gay? They’re persecuting you by trying to give you business, right?

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