Loudoun Streams has a post up summarizing the end result of the comprehensive review of the Chesapeake Bay Protection Ordinance (CBPO) that the Board of Supervisors has just completed. Some notable details include the fact that the Board compromised on a 75 foot buffer, and added a slew of exemptions for existing development plans, farm buildings, playsets, sheds and gazebos.
The process of public input, stakeholder discussions and detailed review by our elected officials is actually working, as each of the major and valid criticisms (e.g., buffer size, playset exemptions, owner notification, stream mapping) has been addressed in turn by the Board..
After revisions to the draft ordinance language are complete, the Board of Supervisors has directed that landowners affected by the RPA will get notice letters. According to the schedule proposed by staff, public notice of the proposed draft regulation will be advertised in the newspaper twice before the Board votes to adopt the draft. Final action is tentatively planned for the second Board meeting in July.
Developing this ordinance is only one of many steps that the Board has taken to protect our streams. The County also has plans to work with residents on a pilot watershed program which among other things could highlight voluntary measures homeowners could take to improve our streams. – Loudoun Streams
Clean streams. Now.
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