
We encourage community participation in this blog – you are welcome to ask one of us to create an account for you so that you can write your own posts. If we’re impressed, we’ll promote you to the front page (if you’re familiar with Blue Virginia, it works pretty much the same way).

To get an account, please email either Liz the Doorbell Queen (aka the originator of the commenting policy) or EpluribusUnum (the de facto webmaster).

Once you have an account, you’ll be able to log in and publish guest posts (you don’t need to register to post comments). If you have any questions about using the site, contact the de facto webmaster.

Editing tips:

All the commenting rules are in effect for posts. We do not allow spam, and we are harsh about that. Spam posts will be deleted and the poster will be banned. There is no appeal from this decision, all moderator decisions are final.

Tags: When adding tags to your post, check to see what tags have already been created (this avoids duplicates). Click on the link in the right sidebar under “Post Tags” to see the existing tags, then click on a tag to add it to your post. When adding new tags, add one at a time. Administrators reserve the right to edit tags for duplication or malformed code.

2 thoughts on “Community

  1. Barbara Smith

    why have they stop putting the Gazette paper in the mailbox?
    Someone I thought was at AGAPE on June 23rd that took a picture of the choir for choir day. wanted to know if that was someone from Purcellville Gazette?

  2. Pingback: A public service announcement for “hack” – Loudoun Progress

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