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Imagine that you’re Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell and your First Lady, Maureen McDonnell, comes skipping into the State Mansion’s Main dining room to present you with a spanking new $6,500.00 Rolex watch.
“Hey Honey, pass the butter,” Bob may have said, “and, by the way, can we afford this Rolex?”
“Oh, this little thing,” Maureen may have said, “I admired the one that Jonnie Williams, Jr. wore. Isn’t it so world leader-ish? You really should have one. Everyone will notice.”
“Yes, but how did we pay for it?” You’d imagine the Governor would ask that; any other spouse would, even with a public salary of $175,000.
“Why, silly, it’s Jonnie of course. Jonnie paid for it. We have no money for a Rolex. Our finances are abysmal. And Jonnie has already bought me some terrific clothes. You should have something for yourself.” Continue reading