Links We’re Reading – 17-18 May 2010

You know links are fun, you know you want to click through, so go on, do it.

To simplify the above into two slightly misleading sentences: The Lib Dems are New Democrats. Labour are union Democrats.

To simplify even further: The Lib Dems are in coalition with the Tories. This makes them Tories.

4 thoughts on “Links We’re Reading – 17-18 May 2010

  1. Epluribusunum

    …but, as she admitted, she “didn’t really expect anyone to respond,” it was just demagoguery. Not sure where they are based, but Ruth Institute/National Organization for Marriage is one of the many names for basically the same organization. Locally, mail-order reverend Jack Stagman tried to get one of their programs going  – they managed to get the Purcellville Town Council to sign on to their resolution before anyone realized that it was a sectarian religious group that did not welcome all Loudoun residents.

  2. JonathanWeintraub

    Thanks for alerting us to the Daily KOS articles on Dr J’s Ruth Institute.  I had an exchange with her over at Equality Loudoun a couple of years back.  See Go tell it to the chickens and Bitter first fruits and sarcastic “academics”.  I’ve been on Dr. J’s email list for years.  In one email, she issued a challenge:

    I have in my filing cabinet some model legislation that would make adultery a civil offense. That means that a faithful spouse has the right to sue an adulterous spouse for damages.

    I’ve been looking for someone to introduce this legislation. Maybe if a member of GLBTQ caucus introduces the legislation, it will get some traction.

    Now that you can marry, I assume that you are on board. I look forward to hearing from you.

    In response, I called her and asked for the model legislation and told her that I’d present it to my state delegate and senator.  It was a bluff.  There was no model legislation.

    That exchange started a back and forth and a little bit of research.  It’s good to see her being exposed.  If you read my posts, you’ll see that Dr. J’s junk social science is promoted by Loudoun’s own Prison Fellowship Ministries.

  3. Liz Miller

    The last line of that article says it all: “What’s the point of educating an illegal immigrant in a system where she can’t hold a job legally or get a driver’s license?”

    Those in favor of the draconian laws want to make sure that the children of illegal immigrants are kept ignorant, unschooled, and poor, so that they can have a constant pool of cheap, frightened labor – who are afraid to go to the police about the abuses of their employers for fear of being put in prison and deported.


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