Senator Reid is betting big on real, strong legislation to cap our carbon emissions. In light of the political environment, I think it’s great to see Democratic leadership picking to go big, or go home.
Instead of combining climate with clean energy, then listening to conservadems whine that climate has to be ditched in favor of a clean-energy-only bill, Reid is unambiguously coupling climate with a politically popular Spill Bill. He’s daring conservadems and Republicans to stand with Bad People and Beach Polluters, or stand with the American public.
The ads write themselves. “Will the Party of Barton vote with BP against America’s clean energy future?” “Will Republicans keep on apologizing to Big Oil for burdensome regulations, or will they stand up for the American people?” “Democrats want polluters to pay, Republicans want to give them a license to pollute free.”
The strategy isn’t a guaranteed win. Already conservadems Landrieu and Bayh are dithering. Politico, again: “Thus far, Reid can’t count on all Democrats coalescing around this approach. Several say they are fearful that hitching a popular oil reform bill to a big, unwieldy climate plan will just sink legislation that could otherwise serve as a quick, easy and politically popular win.” – DailyKos
This is a big, bold move and deserves our backing. Follow below to write our Senators! So, I wrote our Senators.
Senator Warner,
I strongly support the strategy of linking climate change (carbon cap) legislation to the Spill Bill. Please come out in favor of Senator Reid’s plan and vote in favor of all motions, procedural and otherwise, necessary to pass it.
I encourage you do to so too!
(With a tip-o-the-cap to Blue Virginia.)