Simply Illogical

Well, it’s not like we didn’t see this one coming…

30-year incumbent Republican congressman Frank Wolf (R-VA-10) on Tuesday voted against a bill (that President Obama signed) giving aid to states that allows laid-off teachers to be re-hired and keeps police officers on payrolls.

Rep. Wolf represents the hypocrisy running rampant these days within the Republican Party. On the one hand, they criticize the Obama administration for their policies not reducing the unemployment rate quickly enough, yet when the administration passes a bill that saves jobs, the GOP howls. They’ll whine about the cost, yet will push for tax rate cuts on the wealthy that will increase the federal debt and deficit. This bill actually reduces the federal deficit by over $1 billion, yet 161 Republicans (and Frank Wolf) voted against it.

Where’s the logic in all that?This is the party that passed those massive tax rate cuts under the previous administration, claiming the cuts would create jobs. The unemployment rate shot up to over 10% during that time. Now, as the cuts are nearing their expiration, the Republicans (and Frank Wolf) are claiming that letting the cuts expire would hamper small business’ ability to create jobs. So let me see here – the initial cuts were supposed to create jobs, but they didn’t, so we need to extend those cuts so that small business can create jobs.

Where’s the logic in that?

The fact is simple; Frank Wolf has no ideas for creating jobs in this district. In fact, his vote on Tuesday showed that he’s not interested in saving jobs, just saving his career. His main congressional objective is to oppose anything favored by the administration and/or the leadership in Congress. He’s not a leader – he’s a follower, and he’s unfortunately following a path (and trying to get us to follow with him) that leads us right back to the problems that caused our whole economic mess in the first place.

Jeff Barnett, on the other hand, IS a proven leader. His 26 years of military service and years as a business leader are proof that he has the ideas that can turn this country around.  Jeff Barnett understands the importance that teachers have in educating our children. He doesn’t underestimate the role that public safety personnel play in our daily lives, unlike Frank Wolf, who voted against that yesterday.

Jeff Barnett wants people to hear about what he will do to help this district, not run away from his record, like Frank Wolf is doing.  

In November, you have a choice – return to the failed policies of the early 2000’s, or progress forward with a proven leader like Jeff Barnett.

I know how I’m voting. It’s logical.

3 thoughts on “Simply Illogical

  1. Dave Nemetz

    Is that part of the plan to help pay for this was the elimination of a tax break to multi-national companies (you know, companies that send jobs overseas so that they can increase their profits).

    So not only did Frank Wolf vote AGAINST saving teacher and public safety jobs, he voted FOR continuing tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas.

    Yeah. He’s really looking out for our best interests.


  2. Paradox13

    I like the “this is a payoff to the teachers unions” talking point that the R’s have been using. As if preventing job cuts is some kind of payoff. This isn’t creating make-work jobs or no-show jobs for your golf buddies, this is about class sizes and the quality of our kids education at a critical age.

    This Republican party really is the party of “I got mine, now shove off.”

  3. Liz Miller

    I am saddened, but by no means surprised that Wolf voted against helping states pay for teachers and emergency personnel.

    I hope that the voters of the 10th CD see that he is suitably rewarded…with retirement.

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