Delgaudio Furious That It Might Be Getting Better

Because there are still people who think that words don’t hurt.

It gets better.

Remember, Supervisor Delgaudio has a national base of hate from which to draw financial support for his local campaigns, so it’s is critically important that we who live in this purveyor of vile vituperation’s backyard step up and fight against him this year.

5 thoughts on “Delgaudio Furious That It Might Be Getting Better

  1. Paradox13

    To be more explicit:

    Supervisor Delgaudio is raising money by lambasting the fact that policies defending the dignity of students of all persuasions are taking root in school systems across the country. It is these kinds of policies that might be making things a bit better for students who would otherwise be subjected to vicious bullying.

    It’s not the “It gets better” series, itself, but the policies that that video series and the successful campaigns to oppose bullying on the basis of difference around the nation, that Mr. Delgaudio opposes.

    As for “furious,” I grant that I was using a bit of hyperbole in my headline, just like I would hope Mr. Delgaudio is using hyperbole in his descriptions of the Student Nondiscrimination Act in his fundraising appeals.

    Then again, if the terms in his letter aren’t hyperbole, I think furious is a valid interpretation of the letter’s tone.

  2. Pariahdog


    I don’t see the evidence. Where is the evidence that the “It gets better” series is making Supervisor Delgaudio “furious”?

  3. The Shadow (redux)

    …Delgaudio’s phobias were comedically documented on Jon Stewart’s 3/9/10 Gaywatch-Virginia Edition.

    Delgaudio is everything I stand against, when will he be voted out of office?

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