Yearly Archives: 2013

Can you spot manufactured outrage over “anti-Semitism”?

Crown Heights riot, 1991

Crown Heights riot, 1991

In a previous post, Pariahdog explained the historical context and meaning of the anti-Semitic joke told by John Whitbeck to warm up a Republican crowd in September, and Whitbeck’s dismissive response to the outrage it generated. The joke itself embodied the historically lethal ideas of deicide, replacement theology and the “greedy Jew” stereotype: “And by anti-Semitic, I mean really anti-Semitic. It’s about Jews presenting the pope with the bill for the Last Supper, so it packs two of the most toxic anti-Jewish stereotypes into a single punchline: God-killers! Cheapskates!” In their ignorance, or perhaps their cultural hostility, Whitbeck and his supporters have tried to claim that the offense taken to both his joke and his non-apology was manufactured and politically motivated.

Now, the Crown Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn has given us a contrasting incident involving accusations of anti-Semitism.

In the Crown Heights incident, the offense was caused by New York Councilman-elect Laurie Cumbo when she made a statement about a recent cluster of “knockout game” attacks allegedly perpetrated by African American youth against Jews. In her initial statement, Cumbo suggested that resentment over “Jewish success” was a factor in the attacks, explaining that in conversations with constituents during her campaign “many African American/Caribbean residents expressed a genuine concern that as the Jewish community continues to grow, they would be pushed out by their Jewish landlords or by Jewish families looking to purchase homes.” The Anti-Defamation League responded:

“…we are troubled by the incoming councilwoman’s sentiments, particularly her comment about resentment over Jewish economic success, which evokes classic anti-Semitic stereotypes.”

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Loudoun Progress banner photos

Descriptions and photo credits for our site banner.


Are you being persecuted?

‘Tis the time of year when well-fed privileged people of a certain majority religious persuasion traditionally appear before our local government bodies to complain of “persecution” by “storm troopers,” or deface property, or snarl at innocent strangers who are merely trying to wish them well.

Rachel Held Evans, who is awesome, has provided a helpful chart for determining whether or not you are in fact a victim of religious persecution. Please consult it before inadvertently being offensive to those who actually know what that means.

Coming next: Is that a terrorist?


Whitbeck led reform commission to “save BILLIONS,” boasts Delgaudio

Eugene Delgaudio's lie-filled 12-11-13 email promoting John Whitbeck

Eugene Delgaudio’s lie-filled 12-11-13 email promoting John Whitbeck

John Whitbeck co-chaired the Loudoun County Government Reform Commission subcommittee responsible for studying fees for county services, privatization and outsourcing. His subcommittee targeted the vulnerable county workforce and the after school program that serves the county’s poorest children. Whitbeck’s subcommittee report was delivered four months late. It made no outsourcing recommendations, and its major “saving” recommendation was to double the fees on the already profitable CASA after school program.

In one of the most lie-filled emails of all time, Eugene Delgaudio’s 2013-12-11 campaign email boasted:

The largest and most comprehensive budget cutting program and money saving ideas ever presented to Loudoun since my own “Delgaudio’s 100 Million Dollar Tax Reducation [sic] Plan” was produced by Loudoun County Government Reform Commission.

The scale of the Reform ideas is gigantic and could save BILLIONS over the next decade if implemented.

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Enough Sniping at Health Care

ACA_logoEvery time in every nation throughout history we have had those hold-fast sniveling snipers who cower at advances that favor others because they “got theirs.”

We are now undergoing the latest attack against the daunting national effort to insure health care insurance for millions of Americans who have none and who will pay for it out of their own pocket (unless they are too poor).

9.2 Million Americans participate in a single payer system called Tricare that provides health care for service men and women.  Medicare, another single payer system, provides for anyone over 65.  Others have employer-sponsored health insurance coverage, and there is small-group and individual insurance coverage.  But many millions more have no insurance at all.  There are those too poor to afford insurance or health care; the emergency room is their sole source of health care.

Still we have those who decry the need for an Affordable Care Act – for “Obamacare.”

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Party loyalty trumps human decency

Randy Minchew endorsed John Whitbeck on 2013-12-09

Randy Minchew endorsed John Whitbeck on 2013-12-09

Randy Minchew endorsed John Whitbeck on December 9. Here, in part, is what he said:

The Democrats have already nominated their candidate who recently moved into the district and is out campaigning as we speak claiming this Senate seat as a Democratic possession. In light of that audacity, our Party needs to nominate its strongest possible candidate, someone with impeccable integrity, a rock-solid commitment to the principles and values set forth in our Virginia Republican Creed, and proven leadership attributes.

Audacity? It isn’t audacity to to regale large public gatherings with anti-Semitic jokes, to steal email lists, or to dismantle effective public social service organizations and funnel tax dollars to private “Christian Worldview” propaganda centers instead? Minchew continues:
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How much is that campaign email in my browser window?

Dick Black campaigning for John Whitbeck using the Republican 10th CD email list

Dick Black campaigning for John Whitbeck using the Republican 10th CD email list

We received an email forwarded from a Republican friend who is subscribed to the 10th CD Republican email list. Our alarmed friend wondered how John Whitbeck obtained his email address, since he never subscribed to Whitbeck’s email list. John Whitbeck is the Chairman of the 10th CD Republican Committee.

I believe the answer is simple. Mr. Whitbeck stole the list, which is not his personal property, and used it for his campaign. This belief is conjecture. The committee may have given the list to both candidates, and to Joe May for that matter, but we know how these things work. These lists are golden and they are heavily guarded.

The committee can do what it pleases about the alleged theft. My question is, what do you suppose the value of that list is? The email was sent on December 5. The GOP mass meeting is December 16. Can Ron Meyer, Whitbeck’s opponent, compile a comparable email list in time to counter the outreach? I don’t think so.

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Can you spot anti-Semitism?

E.W. Jackson and John Whitbeck

E.W. Jackson and John Whitbeck

As we mourned JFK on the 50th anniversary of his death, we glossed over Kristallnacht, the largest and most widespread anti-Jewish pogrom in modern history. Kristallnacht triggered the Holocaust, and the extermination of six million Jews. The Jewish survivors, settled in America, Australia, South Africa and the newly established state of Israel, adopted the saying “Never Again!” and have tried to re-establish Jewish culture, to preserve the history of the Holocaust through the USHMM, and to teach the world about the universality of the event through groups like the Anti Defamation League. Not coincidentally, the ADL has taken pro-human rights positions regarding immigrants, GLBT people, anti-Islamic extremists and racist sports team names.

In Loudoun, the two Jewish synagogues – Sha’are Shalom and Beth Chavarim Reform Congregation – have joined the All Dulles Area Muslim Society and other faith communities in interfaith dialogue and education. On the surface, it appears that anti-Semitism is waning in the U.S. However, incidents involving the Republican Party and the Evangelical “Christian Worldview” community reveal that anti-Semitism is alive and well right here in our backyard.

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Black Friday – “Blunted Conscience”?

Black_Friday_bright“I’m having 21 over for Thanksgiving dinner,” said Evelyn Newlin, with her husband Harry looking on, “I’m doing the cooking, and there will be my 4 sons, my daughter, and 9 grand-children.”

More often than not, if you ask someone, they’ll tell you that Thanksgiving is about family, friends, getting-togetherness, love, and affection.

How do we reconcile our loving affection for family on a Thursday with the impulse to elbow one another to buy what we don’t really need at all — on “Black Friday?”

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JFK sketch by John Flannery

JFK sketch by John Flannery

Jack Kennedy was a force in life and his death broke a promise made that this nation was different in that it celebrated courage, culture and change.

I was a freshman at Fordham Prep in the Bronx in 1960 on the way to a Latin class when I saw the University students going to the gymnasium in great numbers.  I had some time before class, though not much, so I ran to see what it was all about, followed them, one by one, all taller, through the narrow doors of the gym, and pushed with the others into the large area where we had basketball games.

The gym was full of standing students and teachers, and I made out, like in a B-movie, a bright light from the left shining on a man talking to this mostly first generation college audience that was disproportionally Irish.

It was Jack Kennedy, smiling broadly and making his characteristic gestures, pointing with his right finger in the air before him, painting a picture of ideas, his jaw jutting forward, challenging these students, by his word and manner, to make a difference.  His pauses invited clapping and cheering, smiles and laughter.

I left this amazing place, the sounds duller as I returned to class, to make my class late and sat in a reverie the rest of the afternoon thinking about what I’d observed and heard and felt.

This man was what life was about, mixing into the issues of the day, trying, as he said, to make a difference.

He did.

He inspired a nation to go to the moon, to avoid a nuclear confrontation, to make steps toward equality, to introduce beautiful art and music and style to a nation thirsty to meet a higher calling and destiny.

He was cut short on November 22nd years ago but he still inspires us to be more than we’ve become.