I’ve been hearing a lot lately about “Liberty and Justice for All, Born and Unborn.”
It is not justice to force a pregnant person into involuntary servitude for 9 months, risking her life and health. With no trial. No judge. No jury.
It is not justice to declare that the life and health of a living person is worth less than the fetus she carries. With no trial. No judge. No jury.
It is not justice to withhold life-saving surgery from a living person due to concern for the fetus she carries. With no trial. No judge. No jury.
It is PARTICULARLY not justice to do so when you are also working to allow pharmacists to refuse to dispense birth control.
It is PARTICULARLY not justice to do so when you are also working to prevent accurate sex education.
It is PARTICULARLY not justice to do so when you are working to cut funds to social services, day care, foster care.
…If we truly valued children, we would do everything in our power not to traumatize, deprive, or neglect them…
Until I see this, I won’t believe that “pro-lifers” care about life at all. I won’t believe that “family values” proponents care about families. And I won’t believe that those who seek to “protect” children care about children.
-Matt Kailey at Womanist Musings
Oh! And in case you thought Choice is only about Abortion, here’s a post that will better inform you.
(cross posted at DoorbellQueen)