Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms – lost to Americans?
Mr. Donald Trump is hell bent on resisting individual rights and freedoms.
Mr. Trump would isolate us from the world with a wall.
Mr. Trump leans on local police forces to extend federal police powers into our local communities on the claimed need to rid the nation of immigrants.
Mr. Trump suffers from a too sensitive egg-shell-thin temperament and an itchy finger for tweet lies and a growing urge to war clumsily and unconstitutionally in the mid-East.
Regrettably, we have a government of plutocrats and warmongers who pretend empathy but prefer misery.
It’s quite a dystopic picture but to many overseas and here, this is America.
No longer is our nation perceived as the land of the free and the home of the brave.
On January 8, 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt praised how our citizens had “forgotten points of the compass.”
Mr. Trump insists our citizens are not all equal and thus does he divide the nation.
President Roosevelt said this nation was bound to resist “any attempt to lock us in behind an ancient Chinese wall.”
Mr. Trump is obsessively bound to build a multi-billion dollar wall to lock in our southern border and keep “those people” out from the south and across the Atlantic.
President Roosevelt condemned “one-way international law.” Mr. Trump, on the other hand just committed an act of war in Syria in defiance of UN protocols, State Department utterances, and absent any congressional declaration of war. China charges Mr. Trump did this because his popularity is falling like a stone and he wants to prove he’s independent of Russia.
President Roosevelt insisted our armed forces drew their strength from the “unshakeable belief in the manner of life which they are defending.” Mr. Trump has relentlessly run down this nation’s finest qualities and persists since his election in compromising and destroying what many at home and abroad believed was best about our nation.
Mr. Trump has contravened President Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms: Continue reading →